“Megan is an advocate for young professionals in the work place and has a proven eye for talent. She is a wonderful mentor and experienced coach who can help shape future success.”
— Vice President, Global Investment Bank
“Having worked with Megan for eight years, I can securely say she is the ultimate professional. Every day she brought energy, thoughtfulness, and dedication to work and was a valued leader within our team. She has a passion for Finance and beyond that has a passion for the recruitment and development of younger professionals. She knew what to look for when hiring individuals and was instrumental in harvesting their potential to become our next generation of leaders. She was a great business partner for many years and her career achievements are only surpassed by her integrity.”
— Director, Global Investment Bank
“Megan’s dedication to recruiting top talent into the industry is a true passion of hers. She has always been an invaluable resource to students eager to learn more about the industry and trading specifically. Her first-hand knowledge, paired with her enthusiasm and engagement with candidates made her the perfect business partner to participate in recruiting and mentorship activities. Megan was always a go-to professional resource both internally and externally.”
— Senior Vice President, Campus Recruiting, Global Investment Bank
“Megan is the definition of a role model. Incredible career achievements, devoted sponsorship and mentorship to countless colleagues that sprouted from authentic and organic roots – all this underpinned by strong moral and ethical foundation. ”
— Vice President, Equity Syndicate, Global Investment Bank
“Megan is a wonderful business partner and professional resource. We have worked together in many settings and she always brings the same level of enthusiasm and excellence in whatever she is working on. Her expertise and approachable manner makes her an unstoppable force with a competitive edge.”
— Event Planner, Global Investment Bank
“Megan has spent years successfully partnering with top leaders across the Street and pairs her experience with unparalleled drive, engagement and enthusiasm that empowers women and men alike. Her effective approach as a speaker, listener and advocate consistently inspire excellence. I feel fortunate to have worked with her— and am excited to see the change that Megan will undoubtedly bring to the industry by helping others to follow in her impressive footsteps.”